So You've Written a Book...

You finally did it. You've achieved a long hoped-for goal and written a book. Congratulations! The questions many writers face at this point is, "Now what?"
Well, the answer to that question depends on what your goal is. Do you want to see your book in bookstores and have it read by the masses? Well, in that case, you probably want to seek out an agent, as most large publishing companies do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Agents are sort of a gateway to the traditional publishing world. They also provide a wide variety of services to their clients that are very valuable, including contract negotiation and reviewing royalty statements.
If you don't see a huge publishing company in your future, there are many reputable smaller publishing houses that might be a good fit for you, especially if you are writing in a niche genre. Many of these smaller publishing houses accept unsolicited manuscripts.
If you already have an established platform or are just looking to get your book out to friends and family members, self-publishing may be a good option. There are a wide variety of services that can help you with this venture or you can do it yourself and find a printer to print your book.
Whatever route you choose, your manuscript needs to be in the best shape possible. Having a professional freelance editor look at your book will eliminate embarrassing typos or errors. It will help to put your best foot forward and ensure that your message rings true.